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:: Volume 4, Issue 2 (11-2020) ::
C4I Journal 2020, 4(2): 102-131 Back to browse issues page
Lessons learned in the performance of command and control of air defense in sacred defense
Reza Jahanfar * , Masoud Moghadas , Peyman Kharazian , Fahimeh Karami
Abstract:   (3211 Views)
This article is based on a research project "Investigating the Defense (Land-to-Air and Radar System) Performance in the Years of Holy Defense and Comparing It with Iraqi Air Defense and Lessons Learned to Improve the Organization's Combat Capacity." The above research project is based on the documentation available at the Army, Corps, Air Defense Headquarters, and using oral history and participation and interviews with air defense commanders in the years of holy defense. The qualitative method was used in the writing of this article, which was produced by the authors at Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base (AJA). Interviewing aviation veterans, using translated foreign books and sources, using handwritten notes and notes by air defense commanders and combatants to fill in the gaps and respond to ambiguities in the documents. This article examines the performance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense in the Air and Radar Sections during the years of Holy Defense, the performance of the Iraqi Air Force and the Iraqi Air Defense. Iran Air Defense Command and Control Network during the war with Iraq and initiatives undertaken by Air Defense in particular Martyr Major General Mansour Sattari, the role of air defense in some major operations and the role of air defense in the war of cities and ..., Iraqi air defense performance In the field of radar, land and air, etc., are some of the issues discussed in this article. Also in this paper, the evolution of Iran's air defense center of gravity from air defense to ground air defense was investigated. At the end of the paper, researchers' suggestions for improving the organization's combat capability as well as continuing the research path are presented by other researchers.
   The main issue in this article was: "What are the lessons learned from the Air Defense Command and Control (GAF) operation in Holy Defense Operations? »
 The variables considered in this project are:
Independent Variable (Macro): Air Force Command and Air Defense Control Lessons Learned
Independent variable (component): Earth-to-air systems
Independent Variable (component): Radar systems
Function variable: Holy Defense operations
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Lesson Learned, Command &, Control, Air Defense, Holy Defense
Full-Text [PDF 481 kb]   (7064 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Command
Received: 2020/05/4 | Accepted: 2020/09/2 | Published: 2021/06/30
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Jahanfar R, Moghadas M, kharazian P, karami F. Lessons learned in the performance of command and control of air defense in sacred defense. C4I Journal 2020; 4 (2) :102-131
URL: http://ic4i-journal.ir/article-1-176-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 2 (11-2020) Back to browse issues page
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